Nine Express Limited formerly named as Cheung Wo International Holdings Limited, the Group has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in 2001 (Stock Code: 00009). It is principally engaged in property development and investment in the PRC and film businesses which include film production, distribution and licensing and film processing.
Its subsidiary of the Group, Mandarin Films Limited, has produced many movies which were well received by audience. Among those movies, “Ip Man” and “Ip Man 2” achieved high box office record in Hong Kong and the mainland apart from receiving a number of film awards. As film production is one of the principal businesses of the Group, the Group will continue to produce more high quality films that fit the taste of audience.
In addition, two subsidiary of the Group, Mandarin Films Distribution Company Limited and Mandarin Laboratory (International) Limited, is responsible for film distribution and licensing of broadcasting rights, together with provision of film processing services respectively.
The Group has entered into a new milestone since 2008, it began to tap into the growing PRC property market by acquiring the Shopping Arcade in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the PRC. The property rental has provided a steady income stream to the Group. In November 2010, the Group further demonstrated our determination to strive for property development opportunities by acquiring Hunan Jiuhua International City Development Construction Company Limited whose principal scope of business includes property development, property management and hotel management in the PRC.
The Group believes that in adhering to the twin-lined business model: diversification of the business from the provision of film production services, investment in film production and film distribution to property investment in the PRC, will exert positive effects on the Group's future development, contribution to profits and brand building.